A girl visits Iceland.
11 days. 3400kms. A journey around the destination of our dreams and stories that'll last a lifetime.
While laying out these pictures took considerable time, it's taking even longer to articulate what an experience it was. Witnessing the surreal beauty of a land like that isn't easy to explain in words. From volcanoes, cliffs and rivers to countless waterfalls, glaciers, icebergs and the mighty blue ocean, we got to see it all. From struggling to pitch a tent on day 1, to spending the next 8 nights in it; from going to sleep with the fear of getting frozen to waking up in a hot tent, we saw it all.
I'll probably write a detailed account of our full trip someday, but, for now, here are some pictures I can't wait to share with the world! If you like them, leave a word down in the comment box. I'll feel mighty elated. :)
PS: Couldn't have done this without this amazing woman by my side! :)
Also, play this song ↓ while you scroll through. I'm told music make the pictures seem better. :D